Emergency number

Emergency number

Uniper Benelux has 1 general emergency phone number, valid for all locations. Calls made to this number are immediately sent to the central office of the Security Center Maasvlakte, which gives the highest priority to incoming calls.


External:+31 181 88 60 75


If you are close to a Uniper fixed phone, you can use it to call 88. Any calls to 88 from any location are sent directly to the SCM.


It is essential that the emergency phone number is used to ensure proper assistance from the Uniper emergency response team, as well as external emergency services such as the police, fire service and ambulance. If the SCM receives an emergency call, it will define priorities in handling the situation. Depending on the severity of the situation, either Uniper’s own emergency response team or external assistance will be called in, where in the latter case a guide will accompany emergency services on our site. Due to the fact that the call is received by the SCM, fences and barriers can be opened in good time and the emergency services can be led to the location of the incident.